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Photoshop for Artists

Finally, that long-awaited workshop that takes the mystery out of the premiere image-editing tool: Photoshop ®.  This is the de-facto piece of software that is essential to managing and manipulating images, and we will unlock its secrets for you.

Most of Photoshop ® is useless for the artist who wants to improve and print photographic reference, because there are very few controls and filters in Photoshop® that actually make a photograph look better. In this course, you will learn the most useful tools, and learn how to by-pass useless filters and tools that will actually degrade the image.

Our  program builds a solid understanding of the tools and concepts necessary to realize your visual goals, and lays out the path to absolute control over your digital ambitions.

What will be covered in this workshop

• The basics • Getting to know the tools • Useful keyboard shortcuts • All about layers • Using selection tools and masks • Improving existing photographs • Correcting poorly exposed photographs • Removing backgrounds and unwanted subjects • Avoiding pitfalls when combining multiple photo- graphs • Creating line art from a photograph or illustration • The power of alpha channels • Clipping paths for smooth selections • The importance of curves and levels • Taking better photographs for digital editing. • Photographing your artwork for portfolio and reproduction • Reasons to avoid many filters • The things that Photoshop does very well and those things it does not • Making the most of adjustment layers • Layer masks, now you see it now you don’t • Scanning know-how • Understanding resolution • Creating original art from scratch • Adding text • Layer FX • The differences between raster and vector based images • Resizing images • Guides, grids and other alignment tools • File formats

No previous Photoshop experience is necessary. However, students will be required to have a basic understanding of computer operation, such as how to turn on a computer, open a file, etc.

Students are welcome to bring their own laptop, or rent one of our Windows based lap tops for $100. Trial Photoshop software will be provided.

Class is limited to 14 and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. This 2-day workshop will include over 28 total hours of instruction.

Computer Rental

You will need a laptop to participate in this workshop. You are welcome to bring your own to save the $100 rental fee. We will have only a limited number available for rent, so please register early to ensure rental is available.

Accommodations and Travel

Details concerning Meals and lodging.
Our Airport Shuttle Service is available round-trip from and back to Charlotte Airport (CLT) for those traveling by air
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