Distractions can bring a project to a complete stop, but only if you allow them to. Some artists let the smallest obstacle stop them dead in their tracks.
In the worst cases, distractions can also prevent you from moving your whole artistic career forward. Don't become mired down in drama, criticism, negativity, worry, or other people's problems. Accelerate your goals, and move ahead of those distractions. Leap forward, and leave negative and unproductive elements in the rear view mirror. You have to be the one to take command of your future.
Don't lose sight of your goals. Obstacles are meant to be overcome, so go into the studio and paint every chance you get!
October 07, 2020
I am so guilty of this. It’s not so much distracted, but just trying to keep my courage up.
November 09, 2020
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?