F Createx 4021 - a new reducer that improves paint flow and significantly reduces tip dry. The Createx 4021 Reducer is the most exciting new product for airbrush artists in 10 years. This reducer is specifically formulated to improve the flow, leveling, and overall performance of Createx paints while reducing...
Full Set ($90) - 8oz White ($20) Createx Illustration Colors™ are a refined, water-based airbrush colors optimized for use with Dru Blair’s Color Buffer System. Illustration Colors offer true fine-line, detailed performance while allowing for re-wettable effects and subtle erasing techniques. As the name implies, Illustration Colors are designed with...
4 - use of digital images printed as placemats (one copy per image) - $50 each = $200
4 - manufacture of placemats by Scenic Shutterbug - $35.50 each = 142.00
Shipping $30